3 reasons why you need to show your work to others

Anuroobika K
2 min readJun 17, 2021

You are not alone if you think you have nothing to share to the world about your work. We all think there are already tons of materials available on internet about the subject we are working on. And, not to forget, we are not subject matter experts yet. So, you are worried about people judging you for being an amateur on that topic.

First of all, let’s understand this- you need not get hit by a lightning bolt to get inspiration for your master piece and then go out to show your work. Most of us are not great figures like Einstein or Picasso to showcase only our achievements to the world. We are most probably someone who did decent in learning some skills and built a career around that. Below are the top 3 reasons according to me why you need to share details about your work.

  1. There are always people who would want to become like you. I understand, you honestly believe you are yet to achieve your big dreams. But remember you have worked hard to reach wherever you have reached and there are lot many people out there still trying to reach that place. By putting your work out there, you are helping people to understand what it takes to reach wherever you have reached.
  2. Amateurs could help other amateurs better than experts could do. Amateurs connect better with amateurs as they both are closer in the spectrum. It is like students solving other students’ problems as they understand their problems better than the teachers do. You might lack formal training, but by sharing your progress you are helping others to learn from your successes and failures.
  3. Regularly sharing your work helps you to stay focused in your work. It is also like you are documenting your process and that could be used later for your reference. Let’s say you spent few hours to learn Excel VBA. By sharing it with other, you are also documenting your learning and thus you can come back later after any numbers of years when you had to do some extensive tasks on excel. Without the documentation, you might have to start afresh.

These are my top reasons why I decided to share my work with others. Hope this convinces you too to do so.



Anuroobika K

Writes about data science topics in simple words and also enjoys writing about life skills. Connect on https://www.linkedin.com/in/anuroobika-k-905b8823/